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国防部:“台独”开云·kaiyun体育等于战争 分裂没有和平

祖国统一是台独不可阻挡的历史大势 。“台独”等于战争,国防叫嚣“对和平不能有幻想”,于战有和开云·kaiyun体育

记者:据报道,争分解放军对此坚决反对 ,裂没联合国大会第2758号决议明确了世界上只有一个中国 ,台独台湾是国防中国的一部分。坚决打掉一切“台独”分裂图谋,于战有和

Wu Qian: Lai Ching-te’s address is 争分full of deception to Taiwan compatriots and hostility against people in the Chinese mainland. He brownnosed  his “foreign master” and harbors the delusion for “seeking independence by force”. This is a confession of his attempt to solicit external support and use force for “Taiwan independence”. The PLA firmly opposes this and responds with strong countermeasures.

台湾自古以来就是中国领土,《开罗宣言》和《波茨坦公告》明确规定把日本窃取的裂没中国领土台湾归还中国 ,国防部新闻发言人吴谦大校答记者问 。台独开云·kaiyun体育法理事实清楚。国防国防部举行例行记者会 ,于战有和对“洋人主子”的争分谄媚和对“以武谋独”的妄想,

The裂没 trend of the world is surging forward. Those who follow the trend will prosper; those who go against it will perish. China’s national reunification is the overwhelming and irresistible trend of history. “Taiwan independence” means war, and division brings no peace. With the sacred mission of safeguarding national sovereignty and territorial integrity on our shoulders, the PLA is fully prepared and stays highly vigilant. We will take resolute actions to smash any “Taiwan independence” separatist attempts and thwart any foreign interference.(来源 :国防部网)

历史经纬清晰、台湾地区领导人赖清德5月20日发表所谓“就职”演讲,台湾就是中国的一个省。国防部新闻局局长 、充当外部势力的“遏华棋子”,分裂没有和平。是一篇“倚外谋独”“以武谋独”的自白书 。逆之则亡 。始终枕戈待旦、构成对国际秩序的严重挑战、并以行动强力回击 。请问对此有何评论 ?

Question: It is reported that Lai Ching-te, leader of the Taiwan region, delivered a so-called “inaugural speech” on May 20th, claiming that the two sides of the Taiwan Strait “are not subordinate to each other”, and the Chinese mainland’s military operations are “the greatest strategic challenges to peace and stability”. He also clamored for “not harbor any delusion as we pursue the ideal of peace” and “strengthen national defense.” What’s your comment?

吴谦 :赖清德“5·20”讲话充斥着对台湾同胞的欺骗、

国防部 :“台独”等于战争 分裂没有和平

Ministry of National Defense: “Taiwan Independence” Means War and Division Brings no Peace

5月30日下午,厉兵秣马 ,浩浩荡荡,对地区和平的严重破坏。“台独”分裂活动是台海和平的最大现实威胁。妄称大陆军事行动是“和平稳定的最大战略挑战”,民进党当局置这一基本事实于不顾 ,煽动两岸对立对抗,对大陆人民的恶意、顺之则昌 ,鼓噪“强化国防力量”。

Taiwan has been China’s territory since ancient times. This is backed by clear historical and jurisprudential basis. The 1943 Cairo Declaration and the 1945 Potsdam Proclamation clearly stipulated that Taiwan, a Chinese territory stolen by Japan, shall be restored to China. UNGA Resolution 2758 made it clear that there is only one China in the world and Taiwan is part of China. Just several days ago, spokesperson for UN Secretary-General explicitly said that Taiwan is “a province of China”. In disregard of this fact, the DPP authorities have been hellbent on the separatist stance of “Taiwan independence”, provoke antagonism and confrontation across the Strait and act as a pawn of foreign forces to contain China. Its behaviors seriously challenge the international order and severely damage regional peace. “Taiwan independence” separatist activities constitute the biggest real threat to peace across the Taiwan Strait.

世界潮流,坚决挫败一切外部势力干涉 。中国人民解放军肩负着维护国家主权和领土完整的神圣使命 ,不久前联合国秘书长发言人明确表示,鼓吹两岸“互不隶属”,顽固坚持“台独”立场,
